







A receipt for a partial payment:


                Leavenworth, Kansas.

                     December 7, 1910.


    Received from Charles Long seventy-five

  dollars on account.

                        Henry S. Somers.


A receipt in full:


                         San Diego, Cal.

                          July 27, 1910.


    Received from N. O. Taylor, two hundred

  and sixty 75-100 dollars, in full payment

  to date.           Samuel G. Novris.


Another form:


                           Portland, Me.

                         October 20, 1910.


    Received from Thomas Moore, ten cords

  of hardwood, at $4.00 a cord, the sum to

  be applied to his account.

                           Daniel Forman.


In payment of rent:



    Received from William Forbes seventeen

  dollars in full payment of rent of premises

  No. 24 West Street, for the month ending

  October 31, 1910.

                          Philip F. Ross.


Where one person pays for another:


                Wilmington, Del.

                  August 17, 1910.


    Received from Alfred Thompson eighty

  dollars to apply to the account of Hiram O.


                   Baker Jones & Co.,

                       per, S. N. Thorp.


Receipts and other documents signed with a mark X should be



Payment on a note:


                Bridgeport, Conn.

                      July 1, 1910.


    Received from Casper N. Work one

  hundred and fifty dollars to apply on the

  payment of his note to me for six hundred

  dollars, dated March 8, 1910.

                       Ruben Hoyt.


The maker of the note should, in addition to getting his receipt,

have the amount of his payment endorsed on the back of the note by

the holder.


Where a receipt is given to the administrator of an estate his

position should be named as "Robert Fields, administrator of the

estate of John Jones, deceased."




An order is a command or instruction by one person to another to

do a stated thing.


An order may be given for the delivery of goods or the payment of



This is the usual form:


                       Dayton, Ohio.

                       August 3, 1910.

  Mr. G. W. McBride:

    Please deliver to Edward Lott goods

  from your store to the amount of ten dollars,

  and charge to my account.

                       F. T. Leroy.


This would be an order for cash:


                      Holden, Ind.

                      June 18, 1910.


    Mr. P. T. Mayhew. Please pay to Thomas

  Jackson thirty dollars and charge same

  to my account.

                     F. R. Wilson.




The customary form of a due bill is:


                    Durham, N. C.

                       May 1, 1910.


    Due George Smith ten dollars, payable

  in merchandise from my store.

                         S. T. Long.











To have any value, business accounts, whether of a great or a

small concern, must be accurately kept.


Every man and woman, having unsettled dealings with others, should

keep some sort of book accounts.


Storekeepers must keep accounts, and every farmer and mechanic,

who would know just what he owns and what he has spent during the

past month and year, should keep an exact account of every cent

received and paid out.


Lawyers and doctors know how to keep accounts, or if they do not

they are neglecting their own side of their professional duties.


Workers, skilled and unskilled, and even the hired girl who is

paid by the month, should keep a record of the compensation

received, and how the whole or the part has been expended.


No woman can be called a really good housekeeper who does not know

to a penny what has become of the money she has received for the

upkeep of her establishment, whether she have a score of servants

or does all her own work.


In order to keep such accounts, as have just been indicated, it is

not necessary to be a trained bookkeeper, or to know anything more

about the art than a good common school education gives.


Another word as to the farmer. I am not thinking in this

connection of the old-time, deep-in-the-ruts farmer, who never

learns and knows nothing to forget, but of that wide-awake

producer who tries to keep up with the times.


Not only should the farmer keep cash accounts, the form may be

quite simple, but all his business affairs should be kept in the

best possible trim.


Personal agreements without some kind of writing to back them up,

are dangerous.


Verbal contracts feed the lawyers.


All transactions involving labor or money should be recorded in

black and white.


Don't trust to your memory.


Don't rely on the memory of another.




Every farmer should keep an account with each crop he raises and

even with every field he cultivates.


Against the farm should be charged--


1. Its annual rental value.

2. What all the labor would cost if hired.

3. New machinery.

4. Wear, tear and repair of old machinery.

5. Taxes.

6. Insurance.

7. Doctor's bills.

8. Interest on mortgage if any.

9. The cost of fodder, fuel, etc., consumed.


The farm should be credited with--


1. The rent.

2. The cost of everything produced and consumed on place.

3. The farm products sold.

4. The stock sold.

5. Increased value of stock.

6. Increased value of property, if any.



Such accounts you say will cause trouble; well, you cannot do

anything of value without trouble. The question is will the effort

pay? Those who keep such accounts say it does, and they are

usually the successful, progressive farmers.




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The working man, skilled or unskilled, and the working man's wife

as well, should keep some form of cash book that will show from

week to week the receipts and expenditures.


One can be thrifty without being miserly.


Where did the money go?


Look at your book, where every cent expended has been set down,

and you will be surprised to find how the little sums total up.


Look over the list of little things bought and you will be

surprised to see how many were not needed.


Here is a simple form for a home record:


             Cash Received


Jan. 2. Balance on hand.........$45.50

  "  3. Work for Mr. Jones....... 1.75

  "  3. Smith paid bill......... 13.75

  "  9. Work for Mr. Brown....... 7.50


             Cash Paid


Jan. 2. Two shirts...............$1.50

  "  3. To wife for house........ 8.50

  "  4. Doctor C's. bill......... 6.00

  "  5. Fare to Troy............. 2.25

  "  6. Horse car................  .20

  "  6. Postage..................  .06

  "  7. Church Contribution...... 1.00

  "  8. Shoes mended............. 0.60

  "  9. Newspaper bill........... 1.00



Never "lump" what you receive or what you spend.


Set down each item separately, even to one cent.


When you have filled out each page of "received" and "paid" foot

it up and carry it to the next page set apart for the purpose.


An account book will cost but a few cents. Use the left-hand side

for receipts and the right for expenditures.


At any time the excess of the left hand over the right should show

the amount on hand.


Strike a balance at least once a month.




Never mix up another's accounts with your own.


John Smith, treasurer of some church, society, or club, is a

different person before the law from John Smith, the trader or



Funds not your own, and which may be added to or decreased from

time to time, as in the case of a society, say like the Odd

Fellows, should be kept in the bank not as John Smith's but as the

funds of "John Smith, Treasurer of Washington Lodge 110,

Independent Order of Odd Fellows," or whatever the name of the

society, club, or church may be.


In the same way, "a treasurer's book" should be kept and all the

receipts and expenditures carefully recorded.




If a business proposition is made to another by mail, or if you

hand another in writing your proposition as to a certain contract

you are willing to undertake, for the consideration named, be sure

to keep a copy of the letter or contract; such a precaution may

save trouble.











No instrument of trade has done so much or is more essential to

the safe and progressive business of the world today than the



Every department of business, in our modern civilization, must

keep in touch with the bank.


Money is the blood of trade and the banking system is its heart.


The bank is as necessary to the thrifty farmer as it is to the

greatest railroad or the most wide-spread trust.


Banks are depositories for money not in circulation.


Banks have facilities for the safe-guarding of money which the

ordinary business man could not provide for himself.


Instead of running the risk of paying bills with money carried

about on his person, the business man, and every man with ready

money should follow his example, deposits his money in a

convenient bank, for which he receives a proper voucher in the

shape of a credit in a deposit book.


When he pays a bill, he draws a check for the amount, payable to

the order of his creditor. This check, when endorsed by the

receiver and paid by the bank, is in itself a receipt for the






As I propose to say something about savings banks in another

chapter, the present will be devoted to what are known as "banks

of deposit."


Banks of deposit are either National, State, or private.


A National bank is, as the name implies, chartered and

incorporated by the Government, with special privileges and



The Government in the organizing of National banks had in mind the

protection of the public without unduly limiting the profit of the



The sum the stockholders must contribute to the establishment of a

National bank varies according to the population and the business

importance of the place in which the bank is to be located.


The capital must exist in a prescribed form.


Certain forms of investment are prohibited, as for instance the

ownership of real estate, except under certain restrictions.


This is done that the National bank may be able to convert its

securities into cash in the shortest order.


In consideration of a prescribed amount of United States bonds,

deposited with the Treasury in Washington, the Government issues

to the National bank a prescribed sum in printed bank notes of

varying denominations.


If the bank should close for any reason, the bank notes or their

equivalent must be returned, when the bonds deposited as security

are released.


Every bank must have a board of directors, a president and a

cashier. Receiving and paying tellers, with bookkeepers, and many

clerks are necessary to carry on the business of a large bank.


In addition, the National banks are under the supervision of

regularly appointed Government inspectors.


A National bank may fail, but its notes are still "as good as





The bank not only receives money on deposit, but it loans money

under certain conditions.


Many merchants, builders, contractors and others often find it

necessary to borrow money in order to carry on their business



If a man's business reputation is good, and the banks keep well

posted in such matters, he may secure a loan on his own note,

though even in such cases the name of a good endorser is required.


If in addition to his note the borrower can offer security in the

way of bonds of good character, or other reliable collateral, he

can usually be accommodated.


Of course, the banks charge interest for loans. They also make

collections on notes and other commercial paper and they issue

foreign and domestic bills of exchange.


Every man with a sum large or small in excess of his expenditures,

should open a bank account. Even if not in business this will

encourage thrift and lead to good business habits.




Some banks, particularly those known as "state" or "private," and

National banks in smaller communities, allow interest on deposits.

This interest varies with the demand for money, but in the eastern

states it seldom goes over four per cent.


It is well to know when interest begins and ends.


If the dates set by the bank for reckoning interest are the first

day of January, April, July and October, money deposited March

31st will begin to draw interest next day, but if deposited April

2nd, it would not begin to draw interest till July 1st.


But if you have the money and would insure its safety, deposit it

at once regardless of time or interest.


If a depositor withdraws his money before the day when interest is

due, he forfeits the interest. But banks vary as to that.




Every depositor is given a book in which the teller or cashier

credits him on the left-hand side with the amount deposited. Other

deposits are treated in the same way, and at proper times, if

interest is allowed, it is added as a deposit.


The depositor can provide his own check book, and have it printed

in any color he pleases, with the name of himself and business on

the margin. The bank, however, will supply loose bank checks of

its own, or it may provide them in book form, with stubs, or a

space on which the number, amount and purpose of the check may be

noted for the drawer's information.


"Writing up" of the deposit book is leaving it with the proper

officer at the bank--a receipt for the book is never taken. It is

returned with all the checks received, and their amount footed up

on the right hand or debit page, and the balance on hand shown.


Every depositor should know from the record on the check stubs

exactly how his account stands with the bank.


Take care that you do not overdraw.


Keep your own record of your own money.




In the Commercial banks of our large cities no interest is

allowed, nor could it be easily calculated where a score of

deposits may be made in a week and a hundred checks drawn in a



The depositor in such a bank is free to check out his funds as he



Before opening an account there is more than money needed from the

depositor. If unknown, he must satisfy the bank of his character,

which is best done through the introduction of one known to both.


Some banks make a charge for deposits, where a man makes a

convenience of them by depositing money which he checks out in a

short time.


A depositor, when opening an account with a bank is required to

place his signature in a book kept for the purpose. Until the bank

officer, the paying teller, becomes familiar with the signature on

the check, he verifies it by comparing it with that in the book.





A check may be defined to be "a written order on a bank directing

it to pay a certain sum of money to the person named in the check

or to his order, and signed by a depositor."


So long as the purpose is clearly conveyed in the writing no

particular form of words is necessary, nor need the paper on which

the check is written be the regular printed form properly filled



The "drawer" is the one who makes the check.


The "payee" is the one for whom the check is made.


In making a check, the best plan is to fill out the stub first,

and from the data on it make out the check. This tends to



Be sure to number your check, beginning with I.


Be sure that the number on the stub is the same as on the check.


A person having money in bank and wishing to draw for his own use,

makes his check payable to "self" or to "cash."


Usual form of check:


           First National Bank.   No. 27

            Kingston, Vt., Oct. 13, 1910.

      Pay to order of John Smith

      Seventy-five 75/100  ------ dollars.

      $75.75               George F. Brown.


It is proper form to specify on the face of the check the purpose

for which it is given, but while this is permissible it is not



Write the amount of the check first in words then in figures. This

makes more certain the amount.


Always begin first word of amount close to left-hand side of

check; when the whole sum is written down draw a heavy stroke

along the line to the word "dollars."


When a check is made payable to John Smith or order, John Smith

must sign his name on the back of the check--left-hand end and

about an inch from the top.


Never sign a check until you are ready to collect, or to bank it.


The payee can endorse the check to another by writing on the back

as follows:


      Pay to the order of

               Thomas Brown.

                            John Smith.


A check payable to "bearer" may be negotiated by any one. When

such checks are presented by a stranger, at the bank of the maker,

the paying teller always insists that the stranger be identified.


Never make a check payable to "bearer" if it can be avoided.


Sometimes checks are dated ahead, for reasons satisfactory to the

maker and payee.


A check drawn on August 5th, but dated August 20th cannot be

collected till the latter date.


Never date a check ahead unless you are positive that you will

have the money in bank to meet it on the day named.


Never, if you can avoid it in trade, receive a post-dated check.


Cash or deposit your checks as soon as possible after they are



If the bank should fail, while you are holding the check, the

maker cannot be held for the loss.




Often when a depositor is travelling, he finds it convenient to

carry with him a form of paper that is as good as cash, and much

better in the event of loss.


Banks will issue "certified checks" to depositors. These checks

are stamped by the bank "certified" with the date and officer's

signature attached.


On issuing such a check, the bank debits the receiver's account

with the amount, and so can guarantee the payment whenever or

wherever presented.


Such a check may be received with as much certainty of its value

as if it were a bank bill.


When a person places money in a bank with no intention of checking

it out for some time to come, he may have issued to him a

"Certificate of deposit."


While holding this certificate he cannot check against the money

in the bank.


The holder of a certificate of deposit may transfer it.


The money may be paid in part by the bank, if the certificate is

presented, and the amount is endorsed on the back.


To withdraw all the money the certificate must be surrendered.




There is no form of commercial paper in such general use as the



The total of all the checks in use at some seasons is far more

than the total of all the money in all the banks.


Checks are balanced in the money centers through what are known as

clearing houses. In these a bank is charged with checks against it

and credited with those in its favor.


The differences are settled by cash.


Often a few thousand dollars will settle check accounts amounting

to millions.


If by any chance you should receive a check in which your name is

misspelled, or not given as you write it, endorse the check

exactly as the name is written on the face, then add your name in

the regular way.











While of National importance, savings banks are chartered by the

respective states in which they exist, and as such are distinctly

local institutions.


Unlike the National, the savings bank is not established as a

money-making corporation.


The ostensible and actual purpose of the savings bank is to

encourage people of small means to save.


The savings bank provides a safe place for the care of such

deposits, and it pays such rates of interest on such deposits as

are warranted by the earnings of its investments after paying the

expenses incident to the proper conduct of its officers.


When a savings bank receives authorization to act, through a

charter from the state, the organizers choose a board of directors

and the proper officers.


Usually the officers occupying positions of trust and

responsibility are required to give bonds for the proper discharge

of their duties.




With all the legal conditions complied with, and a suitable office

provided, the savings bank is ready for business.


Some savings banks will receive on deposit any sum from five cents

to five thousand dollars.


Other banks will not receive less than one dollar at a time, nor

more than a thousand.


We have heard of "penny savings banks," but they are rarely

chartered, and are organized, only to encourage thrift among



Fractional parts of a dollar are not usually reckoned as drawing



Some banks require as much as three, four or five dollars before

allowing interest.


Savings banks in the eastern states pay from three to four per

cent. In the west it is sometimes as high as six.


Each bank has certain dates at which calculation of interest

begins. As a rule this is January 1st, April 1st, July 1st, and

October 1st.


Money deposited at any time between these dates does not draw

interest till the beginning of the next quarter.


But never mind the interest.


The best time to make a deposit is when you have the money.


The bank is safer than your pocket.





Count your money carefully and make a memorandum of the amount

before giving to the savings bank to deposit.


Hand the money to the officer--usually "the receiving teller"--

authorized to receive it.


The teller writes down the name, age, occupation and residence of

the depositor.


If money is deposited in the name of one under legal age, the

names of the parents and the birthplace of the minor are also



The adult depositor must write his name in a book provided by the

bank for the signature of clients.


When these conditions are complied with, the depositor receives a

memorandum book, known as a "deposit book", in which, with his

name and date, is written the amount of his first deposit.


The deposit book must be carefully guarded, for without its

presentation at the savings bank money cannot be drawn. You cannot

check against your savings bank account, as with a commercial





After the first account is opened the rest is easy.


On the second, as on all subsequent visits, the deposit book, with

the amount to be entered, is handed to the receiving teller. He

counts the money, makes a record of it for his own use, enters it

on your book as a deposit, and hands the book back. That is all.


Whenever interest is due it is written down in the book as if it

were a cash deposit.


The interest, if desired, will be paid in cash, but if allowed to

remain, it begins at once to earn interest for itself.


Interest grows like a rolling snow ball. On such small beginnings

great fortunes have been built.


Savings banks keep a reserve, made up of earnings in excess of

interest and all expenses.


This reserve earns money.


The money so earned is reckoned as a net profit, and it may be

distributed, and usually is, among its depositors as a "dividend."




Different banks have different limits of deposit, that is fixed

sums beyond which they will not receive.


The limit is from one thousand to five thousand dollars.


When the fortunate depositor has reached the limit with one

savings bank, there is no law to prevent his opening another

account with another, or with any number of similar banks.


Remember the savings banks are not meant for capitalists, but for

small depositors.


After deposits and interests have reached a total of $1,600, the

interest will not go on earning interest, but will be regarded

simply as a deposit.


This is in compliance with law.


Depositors, posted as to the law, open another account with

another bank, and keep on till the interest limit is reached.




A savings bank depositor may either draw money himself or through

some properly authorized person.


This is the method:


The deposit book is presented to the paying teller. The owner

states the sum he wants to draw.


Having assured himself that the bearer of the book is the right

person, the teller takes a receipt in a book kept for the purpose,

for the amount, enters the same on the right hand or debit side of

the book, and hands out the money.


There is a form of authorization for another to draw, printed on

the deposit book. This must be copied and its directions complied



Most banks will not allow depositors to draw out less than a fixed

sum, say $5.00.


This saves trouble, and prevents thoughtless depositors from going

to the bank every time they want a dollar.


Before a depositor can draw a large sum from a savings bank he may

be compelled, under the law, to give from one week to six weeks'

notice of his intention.


This provision may not prevent a run on the bank, but it gives the

managers time to provide for it.


Read the rules in the deposit book.




How can a bank that does not discount notes or deal in loans and

commercial paper earn money? How can it pay interest?


While they may be individually small, the aggregate of all the

deposits in a savings bank may, and often do, amount to many



This money is not allowed to lie idle.


Under the skilled direction of the bank officers, the money,

instead of lying idle in the vaults, is invested in many ways, but

always in accordance with the laws of the state under which the

bank is chartered.


Much of the money is invested in mortgages on real estate, never

on personal property.


National bank stocks, sound railroad bonds, and other forms of

reliable interest security are fields for the investment of

savings bank funds.


Savings banks are subject to the periodic inspection of state

officers appointed for the purpose.


The failure of a savings bank through bad investments or the

dishonesty of officials is very rare.


Avoid all banks that promise more than the regular rate of



Private banks may be, and usually are, honestly conducted, but to

be safe, deposit only with a bank that is regularly chartered and

is subject to the inspection of the law.


The savings bank is the best for the wage earner.











The promissory note is a most useful kind of commercial paper, and

it is in general use in business.


If a man has not sufficient ready cash to pay for the real estate

he is about to purchase, he makes up the difference by a note,

which note is secured by a mortgage on the property.


Remember the mortgage must always be regarded as security. The

note represents the debt.


Often wholesalers take a note as part or even full payment for a

bill of goods to a retailer.


If the wholesaler needs money, he endorses these notes and putting

them in his bank draws against them, less the discount he has to

pay for the accommodation.


As has been shown, an account may be transferred and sold, but a

note is more convenient for that purpose.




As with a check the maker of a note is known as a "drawer," the

person in whose favor it is drawn is the "payee."


Notes may be written in pencil, but it is better and safer to

write with ink on good paper.


Supposing you buy a team of horses, or it may be a bill of goods,

from John Brown, for $350.


Now you have only $100 in cash. What are you to do?


Mr. Brown, knowing you to be reliable, says: "That's all right,

friend Jones. You pay me the $100 cash for which I will give you a

receipt, then I will take your note for six months, payable at my



You agree to this; pay out the money, make and deliver the note

and take the property in question, which is now yours as much as

it had been his before the transfer.


The following would be a legal form in which to make the note:


  $250.                             Summit, N. J.

                                  October 10, 1910.

  Six months after date I promise to pay to

  the order of John Brown..............

  Two hundred and fifty ...... dollars,....

  At the Lincoln National Bank of Summit

  .......... Value received.

                          George Jones.

    No. 1. Due April 14, 1911.


Now, if before the expiration of this note, you want to make a

payment on it of, say, $75, you take the money to Mr. Brown, who

endorses on the back of the note, "Received on the within note

$75, January 3rd.," if that be the date, and signs, "John Brown."


It may be well to remember that while a running account may be

collected at any time, the law cannot prevent the maker of a

promissory note from selling all his belongings and leaving the

country before the note is due.




Notes may be "time" notes, that is where there is a specified time

for payment, or "demand" notes. The latter are collectable on



With the time notes "three days grace" are allowed after the

expiration of the date for payment. No such favor is allowed in

the case of demand notes.


These grace days do not seem businesslike. Why not add them to the

date in the note? Well, it is a custom, quite as old as the

greater part of our laws, and so it must be observed.


Under the law a note is payable at the home or business place of

the drawer, unless otherwise specified.





A note secured by a mortgage has its payment guaranteed.


The usual way of securing the payment of a note given in business

is to have it endorsed with a good name across the back, as in

endorsing a check.


By writing your name across the back of another man's note you

announce to all the holders of that note that you know the maker

and that if he does not pay it you will.


In most states the indorser of a note cannot be held responsible

for payment, unless the holder notifies him, within twenty-four

hours after the note comes due, that the maker cannot or will not



If an indorsed note changes hands, each indorser is responsible to

all endorsers who follow him and also to the last holder of the



If an indorser, that is, one into whose hands the note has come

after the first endorsement, should not wish to guarantee payment,

he writes before his name, "Without recourse to me."


This is known as a "qualified endorsement."




Most notes are negotiable; that is because they may be sold, like

any other personal property, or the ownership may be transferred

from one person to another.


No note is negotiable that does not bear on its face, the words,

"Pay to bearer," or "Pay to the order of," followed by the payee's





When two persons sign a note they become jointly and individually

responsible for its payment.


Such persons are known as "joint makers."


If one signs his name on the back of a note before it has been

handed to the payee, he makes himself not only an endorser, but a

joint maker.


If the maker of such a note refuses to pay on the expiration of

time stated, he is liable for the amount without any notification.




If a business man borrows from a bank on his note, he must pay for

the privilege.


Interest is a sum paid for the use of money.


Interest is reckoned as a certain percentage yearly on the



Interest on interest is called "compound interest" and is unused

in ordinary business transactions.


Instead of collecting interest when the amount borrowed on a note

is due, or deducting it from the principal in advance, it

discounts the note at the rate agreed on and pays the rest.


This is called bank discount and its rate is variable, depending

on the abundance or scarcity of money.


Money is a marketable article, and the price, like that of wheat

or cotton, is governed by supply and demand.




A note may be made payable "with interest," or not, as the parties

concerned may agree.


If nothing is said about interest in the note, no interest can be



Again a note may go into details and specify that "the interest

shall be ten per cent, payable semi-annually," provided always

that the rate shall not be higher than the legal interest of the



Excessive interest is known as "usury." It invalidates all the

interest, and in some places the principal is forfeited.


When the holder of an interest note receives interest payment he

must record the date and sum on the back of the note.




If a note comes due on Sunday or on a legal holiday, payment must

be made on the following day.


Holidays are appointed by the separate states.


The United States recognizes no day as a holiday, except Sunday,

and that is acknowledged through custom.


It is customary for banks to notify makers of notes held by them a

few days before time set for payment; but this is not required by



If a note lies unpaid in bank the day set for payment, as soon as

the office closes for regular business the note is protested.


The protest is made before a notary public; he is usually an

employee of the bank.


In the protest formal objection is made against the breaking of

the promise, and demanding that the matter be set right by the

maker, or on his failure, by the indorser.


The indorser, who has to pay, has a claim for the amount on the

maker of the note, as he would have for money loaned or goods

sold, and he can sue to collect.


A note that is not paid within a fixed time is said to be



Remember the indorser of a note must be notified within twenty-

four hours of the failure of the drawer to make good.




The object in protesting a note is to fix the liability on the



If there be more than one endorser notice of protest must be sent

to all at the same time.


It is better, where possible, to serve the notices on the

indorsers in person.


The payee must also be notified.




There is a form of note sometimes used in business which is given

without any consideration on the part of the maker. This is known

as an "accommodation note."


The maker of such a note does not expect to pay it, nor does the

man in whose favor it is drawn expect to do so.


An accommodation note is an instrument by the sale of which, or

through a bank, money may be raised for immediate use.


The maker in this case is a friend who loans his name.


As there was no value received such a note could not be collected

by the payee.


But if it passes into the hands of a third party, who endorses it,

then the maker of the note can be compelled to pay.




A note may be lost or stolen.


The losing of a note does not release the maker from payment of

the full amount on the date and at the place named.


The loser should at once notify the maker of his loss.


A man who buys, before its maturity, a lost or stolen note, may

collect the full amount from the maker, provided the note is

payable to "bearer" and no notice of the loss has been published.


When the maker of a lost note pays the amount to the original

owner, he should receive from him what is known as a "bond of



This bond is to secure him against paying a second time.




There are some things worth remembering about promissory notes.


1. Never give one if you can pay cash.

2. A note made on Sunday is worthless in some states.

3. A note given under compulsion is worthless.

4. Notes made by a drunken person, or obtained by any form of

fraud cannot be collected under law.

5. Notes bear interest only when so stated in body of note.

6. The holder of a note has a legal claim against every indorser.

7. Each indorser is responsible to every indorser who follows him.

8. Notes are valid without reference to the kind of paper, or

whether they are written with pen or pencil.

9. Losing a note does not release the maker from payment.

10. If no time is set in a note for payment, it becomes due as

soon as it is made.

11. Where a note is made in one state and is payable in another,

it is governed by the laws of the state in which it is to be paid.

12. Notes payable on demand draw no interest until after they have

been presented for payment.

13. If a note reads "with interest" and no rate is specified then

it draws the legal interest in the state in which it was made.

14. Demand notes are not entitled to days of grace.

15. If no place of payment is named in a note, it should be

presented to the maker personally in business hours.

16. The misspelling of a word or words in no way invalidates a


17. If a person who cannot write makes a note his mark should be

properly witnessed.

18. The makers of a joint note must be sued jointly.

19. If the words and the figures in a note disagree, the words

take precedence.

20. A note signed by a firm may be collected from either of the


21. When a payment is made on a note secured by a mortgage, the

amount is endorsed on the note, never on the mortgage.

22. A note given by a minor is void, unless given for actual

necessities, like food and clothing.

23. If a note made by a minor is acknowledged when he comes of age

it is binding and collectible.











A draft is a written order from the first party to the second

party to pay to the third party a certain sum of money at a

certain time.


The first party is called the "drawer."


The second party is the "drawee."


The third party is the "payee."


There are two kinds of draft.


The first is usually where the cashier of one bank, through his

own check, draws on another bank for the cash difference in their

accounts with each other.


The second form of draft is the most usual and is the one we shall

here consider.


The cashier's draft is always for cash and the demand is always

honored. The ordinary business draft may be for cash or for goods.


The business draft is usually honored, but there are circumstances

under which it may be ignored.




But let us suppose that the draft is all right and that a

merchant, let us call him Henry Thomas, and suppose him a resident

of Philadelphia, has a bill against James Taylor, of Cleveland,

and he wants to collect it, without recourse to law. How will he

go about it?


The bill is for $100.


Mr. Thomas writes this draft:


     Philadelphia, Pa., Sept. 5, 1910.

   At sight pay to the order of

   Johnson National Bank of Philadelphia

   One hundred................... dollars.

               With exchange

             and charge same to

                          Henry Thomas.

   To James Taylor,

       Cleveland, Ohio.


Having drawn his draft, Mr. Thomas takes it to the Johnson

National Bank for collection. The collection is actually made by

some bank in Cleveland to which the Johnson has endorsed it over.


If Mr. Thomas wished he might have sent his draft direct to the

Cleveland bank, but he no doubt thought it better to transact such

matters through his own bank.


Or if Mr. Thomas lived where he was not in touch with a bank, he

might have drawn through any person whom he knew in Cleveland.


On receiving the draft for collection, the Cleveland bank would at

once give it to a clerk who would without delay present it to Mr.



Mr. Taylor, having written his acceptance of the draft, is given

three days grace in which to make payment.


In states where days of grace are not allowed, he would have to

pay at once.


Mr. Taylor writes the word "accepted," with the date and his name

across the face of the draft, and if he does not pay cash, he

states in the writing where payment will be made.


Of course, Mr. Taylor cannot be compelled to accept a draft. There

may be good and honest reasons for his not doing so, but having

accepted it, in business honor he is bound to pay it.


The term "Sight draft" explains itself, but the order to pay a

draft may indicate, and often does, the number of days allowed for

payment, after presentation.




What should be done by the man to whom a bill or a note is due,

when the debtor lives in a place where there is no bank?


In that case he must learn in some way the name of a promising

person to make the collection for him.


In this case he makes out the draft as before, and adds the words

"for collection." This acts as a bar to any transfer of the paper.


Most banks refuse to handle a draft marked "for collection."




Drafts are not necessarily duns.


Some country merchants prefer to pay their bills to wholesalers in

that way, so that collecting drafts is no small part of the

business of the ordinary bank.


While men are not compelled to meet drafts when presented, if the

amount is due and he defaults or refuses to pay he injures his own



In refusing a just draft he is said to "dishonor" it.


So sure are wholesalers that their drafts will be met by their

distant debtors that they do not hesitate to draw against them

when deposited for collection, regarding them as cash to their

credit in bank.




When a draft is not accepted or paid when due, if it be a time

draft, it is protested in the same way as a note.


The protest of a draft serves as a notice to the drawer of its



Like notes and checks, drafts may be transferred by a similar





If I wanted to pay a bill for $150 to Albert Holt, living at

Wallace, Kansas, and did not wish to trouble him with a check, how

would I go about it?


1. I might express the cash, which would be expensive.

2. I might send it in postal order, not always certain.

3. I might send it by a trusted hand, but might have long to wait

before I found a friend going out to Wallace.


I am living in New York City, and am familiar enough with banking

to know that New York is a great financial center and is in

constant communication with nearly all the outside banks.


The outside banks keep money in deposit here, and the New York

banks, particularly in the spring and autumn, keep deposits with

their correspondents.


With my $150 and a small extra sum to pay my bank for drawing the

draft, I go thither and buy a draft for the sum I owe Mr. Holt.


I mail this draft to my creditor and he can cash it without loss

in his home bank. Here is the form:


                              No. 101.

    Madison National Bank of New York.

  Pay to the order of Albert Holt,

  One hundred and fifty dollars ($150.)...

  ..........               L. N. Jones,


  To Prairie National Bank,

    Wallace, Kansas.




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